The disk which accompanies this book contains a number of files for use on an IBM or compatible personal computer. There are two versions of the LENSYS program, one, LENSYS2.EXE, compiled in real mode and the other, LENSYSP.EXE, in protected mode. The difference between the two compilations is that LENSYS2 runs in the lowest 640kB memory of the computer and is therefore suitable for a basic PC, while LENSYSP will use memory above this region and will normally be the version of choice. The program source is exactly the same for the two compilations. The files are arranged in three subdirectories:

The file LPOTS.DAT, which is loaded automatically by LENSYS, contains data from which the potentials and potential gradients are calculated. The files DPMI16BI.OVL and RTM.EXE are required to run any protected mode program. The RELAX subdirectory contains the auxiliary programs which are discussed in section 6.7.