This chapter focuses on a way to negotiate the passage from Sunday worship to the rest of life. The key will be openness to the Holy Spirit on the part of those living in secular, pluralist societies. In reference to liturgy Sunday worship is the outward summit of Christian life that nonetheless ushers participants toward what may be turn out to be a quotidian Monday. Liturgy opens an alternative, sacred place and time sometimes accompanied by unexpected peace. Reflection on the Paraclete links the Spirit after liturgy to social mission on behalf of a just social order. That consideration follows a brief analysis of contextual daily life. The context is the secular, pluralist West or wherever else modernity has reorganized society to a significant extent. The Paraclete encourages and empowers followers of Christ in social mission that imitates Christ in speaking truth to power. The Spirit as Paraclete has an affinity with social mission and strengthens participants in meeting hostility.