The contextualization of the interplay of the spatial type and other types of sociocultural boundaries requires an alternative theoretic framework that can avoid the modernist conception of society as a consistent unit. The strand of the research contributes to the corresponding use of the categories of society and nation state in social theory and research. The entangled-history approach would address the cross-border spatialized relations as being quintessential for the formation of diverse institutions and experiences of post-socialisms and postcolonialisms. Poststructuralist scholars prioritize the heterogeneity and temporality of social organization and thus allow researchers to avoid overemphasizing structure and causal determination in the social-space and social-field-like theories. The scale approach described is a paradigmatic example of the spatial turn in the social sciences, which recognizes spatial relations as being socially generated. Social fields are reproduced around a field-specific logic or ‘rules of the game’, such as building up one’s reputation in the field of science.