Last century was a time of enormous progress in human nutrition. Essential minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and fatty acids were identi†ed, metabolic pathways were described, and the effect of genetic variants on metabolism was studied. Recent evidence has shown that the large majority of chronic disorders, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer can be prevented by modi†cations of nutritional and lifestyle habits. In 2007, 12.3 million new cancer cases and 7.6 million deaths from cancer worldwide were reported by the American Cancer Society (Garcia et al., 2007). It has been


13.1 Introduction: Diet and Cancer ................................................................. 293 13.2 Soy and Cancer ........................................................................................... 295

13.2.1 Iso¨avonoids ................................................................................... 296 13.2.2 Bowman-Birk Protease Inhibitor ................................................ 297 13.2.3 Other Proteins and Peptides ........................................................ 298

13.3 Lunasin ........................................................................................................ 299 13.3.1 Discovery and Sequence of Lunasin ........................................... 299 13.3.2 In Vitro Cancer Preventive Properties of Lunasin Peptide

and Mechanism of Action ............................................................300 13.3.3 In Vivo Cancer Preventive Properties of Lunasin Peptide .......302 13.3.4 Lunasin Concentration in Soy and Other Seeds .......................303