Chapter 3 seeks to demonstrate how a telenovela is developed, from the first idea to the structuring of chapters and production. The writing process and technical characteristics of a telenovela production influence the power chain of this content. With an industrial production pace and commercial interests, the telenovela is a hybrid piece of work where narrative and creation play a significant role. The telenovela is written and produced while being exhibited. Thus, everyone depends on the author's rhythm. Whereas an author has less time to write a script, there is no time set aside in the production schedule for an author to be disputed – unless viewing numbers drop excessively. The author must have a sense of the telenovela's repercussion through research, social networks and his perception in order to write. In this chapter, practice and practical experience carry more weight than in the rest of the book. The reason is the lack of theoretical material about the writing process of Brazilian telenovelas to the detriment of vast material about the process of television series and screenplays for the cinema. This chapter will provide the main guidelines of how to write a telenovela. ]