It is well documented that therapist-client sexual intimacy results in damaging, painful client experiences (Bates & Brodsky, 1989; Bouhoutsos, Holroyd, Lerman, Forer, & Greenberg, 1983; Chesler, 1973; Feldman-Summers & Jones, 1984; Freeman & Roy, 1976; 5 Gartrell, Herman, Olarte, Feldstein, & Localio, 1987; Hotelling, 1988; Kluft, 1989; Pope, 1988; Pope & Bouhoutsos, 1986; Rutter, 1989; Sonne, Meyer, Borys & Marshall, 1985). Stake and Oliver (1991) noted that sexual contact between therapist and client has had 10 almost universally negative consequences for the client. The acting out of feelings of sexual attraction toward clients is a profound problem for our profession.