We are all of about the same size as far as the human species go and we live clustered

around, on top of the more solid bits of the surface of the planet called Earth. We are

so preoccupied with all that we can see, touch, smell, and hear around us, but, we do

not really want to realize that we are living within a myriad of bacterial gardens of

life that extend deep down below us, grow up into the skies above, and outwards into

the oceans flowing around our homes. These bacteria were “gardening” here long

before we first evolved and set foot upon the soil and they will still be here long after,

for whatever reason, we have become extinct. These gardens are a set of universes

within which we can stroll through, belong to and pass through, often without the

care of a single glance, or thought at the gardens stretched out for us all to see. In this

chapter, we are going to concentrate on the good, the bad, and the ugly microbes that

are down and around water wells.