Sniffing ether from a rag or bowl-like container and direct inhalation of nitrous oxide were recognized as problems shortly after these agents were introduced into medicine. Both anesthetic agents produce a diminution of worry and inhibitions, and a sense of relaxation as part of a high. Many substances containing volatile solvents have been used in this manner. The abuse of a given substance depends upon its wide availability and popularity in a specific group. Peer use largely influences what is currently being abused. Sniffing model airplane glue to produce mild euphoria from its ether content became widespread in the 1960s. It was soon discovered that a wide variety of plastic glues and cements, dry cleaning solutions, paint thinners, aerosols, and lighter fluids have these properties in common. The most popular active ingredients are toluene, hexane, xylene, trichloroethylene, acetone, volatile aromatic esters, naphtha, benzene, or petroleum ether, but freons, methyl chloride, amyl and butyl nitrate, methyl ethyl ketone, and methyl butyl ketone have been used. This list is by no means all-inclusive.