Encryption along with hashing algorithms can also be

used to authenticate the traffic between two network con-

nections. Two types of encryption algorithms are utilized

to encrypt network traffic: symmetric and asymmetric.

Symmetric algorithms use a shared key that is known to

both parties to encrypt the traffic. They are much faster and

require fewer computing resources than asymmetric algo-

rithms. Algorithms of this type include the Advanced

Encryption Standard (AES) and Triple-DES (formed

from the Data Encryption Standard). An important factor

in the implementation of symmetric encryption is the size

of the shared keys that are being used. The size of this key

determines the key space or range of values that the key can

have. The size of the key space is an important factor in

determining the strength of the implementation of an

encryption system. One type of attack, called a brute

force attack, attempts to decrypt the encrypted data by

trying every possible key value in the key space. Larger

key sizes are used to provide more protection against these

attacks. It is important that the key space be of sufficient

size so the amount of time and resources required to

attempt all of the keys in the key space is large enough to

make it impractical to try.