Another emerging Web-enabled application is Web ser-

vices. Web services comprise the sum total of application

components whose functionality and interfaces are

exposed to potential users through the use ofWeb technology

standards such as SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol),

XML (Extensible Markup Language), UDDI (Universal

Description, Discovery, and Integration), WSDL (Web

Service Definition Language), and HTTP (Hypertext

Transfer Protocol). Web services are application-to-

application, computer-to-computer transaction-based com-

munications using predefined data formats in a platform-

and language-neutral context. Traditional Web-enabled

applications are interactive and Web-browser based.

Application-level security strategies are complicated by

the automated intent of Web services. Security standards

are emerging and are being integrated into available secur-

ity products. Application scanning and application firewall

technologies are now emerging that allow for security

checks against Web service data and protocols. The use

of Web services to extend core business applications to

external entities is expected to grow significantly in a

relatively short time as businesses recognize the value of

this capability. Therefore, the security issues of Web-

enabled applications based on Web services will need to

be checked from a perspective of automated processing

between two or more security domains. Aside from the

method of access, an approach similar to the Web-enabled

application security strategy discussed in this entry can be
