The Information Systems Security Engineering

Professional (ISSEP) credential was developed as an

advanced area of concentration to the Certified

Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) cre-

dential by the International Information Systems Security

Certification Consortium (ISC)2 in 2004. The ISSEP certi-

fication was sponsored by the U.S. National Security

Agency (NSA) and developed by (ISC)2.[1]

This advanced concentration provides an invaluable

tool for any systems security engineering professional.

CISSP-ISSEP Common Body of Knowledge (CBK)[1]

is the guide for incorporating information systems security

into projects, applications, business processes, and infor-

mation systems. The ISSEP security professional is

expected to understand and use systems security engineer-

ing (SSE) methodologies and best practices to integrate

security into all facets of information systems development

and business operations. The SSE model used in the ISSEP

concentration is based on the Information Assurance

Technical Framework (IATF) SSE model and is a guiding

light in the field of information security for the incorpora-

tion of security into information systems.