It is a necessary and difficult challenge to plan deliberately

for information security. Short-term, 1-year-ahead plan-

ning tends to be tactical in nature and firefighting in reality.

Strategically, organizations are charged with attempting to

plan 2 to 4 years ahead, as most chief information security

officers (CISOs) are required to provide strategic plans to

chief financial officers for budget purposes, for direct

reporting to executives and directors for cultural support,

and to internal business partners for stratifying relation-

ships. Both areas of tactical and strategic planning require

CISOs continually meet multiple challenges. Consistently

certain challenges have reoccurred over the past 20 years: a

significant shift in the manner in which society views

privacy, a multigenerational workforce, and the rapid evo-

lution of technology. These challenges embrace all areas of

business, be they academia, medicine, government, envir-

onmental science, manufacturing, etc. Although these

challenges will likely not change in the coming few

years, the nuances within each will continue to evolve.