However, to create and maintain the professional respect of

staff outside of the information security organization, the

valuable information security skills of the team must be

articulated and expressed to create a positive, trusted image

with internal customers. Active listening and communication

delivery skills must be honed and a foundation set in standard

business and management terms, not information security

jargon. This opportunity of polished facilitating is an entry

to another opportunity in the discovery process, that of the

discoverymeetings themselves.When the information secur-

ity team has the chance tomeet with other internal customers,

an opportunity arises to create partnerships and allianceswith

other members of the organization. Finally, these initial

meetings give leeway for demonstrating and articulating

the different ways a risk assessment discovery process adds

value to the business area by providing an avenue to

re-examine their information, assets, and processes that sup-

port them. That is the opportunity these teams have purely by

the mechanics and outcomes of the discovery process.