The minimalist approach is the wrong attitude for an execu-

tive. Such an attitude gets propagated throughout an organi-

zation. It establishes a “tone at the top.” The tone at the top is

what many regulatory agencies and auditors look for when

performing an overall assessment of an organization. When

doing compliance and security reviews, security profes-

sionals look for vulnerabilities and levels of risk, but they

also talk to people throughout the organization in order to

gauge their feelings, their attitudes about security, and their

awareness of their personal responsibility to protect the

confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA) of the data

with which they work.When an auditor or examiner gets the

sense that an organization does not appear to be prepared, he

or she is going to be taking a closer look. When the attitude

at the top is that security is unimportant, it will permeate into

other areas of the organization and be recognizable during

an assessment performed by experienced security or audit

professionals. An auditor or examiner is likely to dig much

deeper, request more documentation, or perform more tests

when the organization seems unready. Security profes-

sionals doing an assessment should scrutinize an organiza-

tion more thoroughly, because, if the attitude is lax, then the

risk is probably not adequately managed.