With today’s complex networks, multiple data centers,

global hubs, disaster recovery sites, and many flavors of

platforms, the information security well-being of organiza-

tions depends on how well the millions of events generated

by these systems are collected and analyzed. Centralization

of data allows the otherwise disparate and seemingly unre-

lated information to be gathered, analyzed, and presented

as a single source. This is crucial in building a successful

SOC. An organization with a well-designed and deployed

SIM funnels events from everywhere in the network into a

central console that is being monitored by level I or level II

support personnel. The advantage is that information shar-

ing becomes much more robust and the speed by which

incidents are responded to is improved. Add this to the

capability of many SIMs with built-in IPSs and one can

have instantaneous shunning of attacks. Of course, a great

deal more thought should be given to activating the IPS

capabilities of SIMs as they can block legitimate produc-

tion traffic as well.