There are basically two kinds of SPMs which were originally invented, and these will be described here in detail. However, recently, various other kinds of SPMs of related scanning microscopes have been developed, as also described in the following. The reason for this is that STM and AFM have developed to such an extensive state that the literature reports are immense. On the other hand, the new kinds of SPMs are of recent origin and are currently under development. The reader is given ample literature references with discussions to guide through these SPMs. In the following, STM and AFM apparatus will be described in detail, with applications and extensive evaluation of the literature results. However, in the rest of the book, the more specific details will be delineated wherever necessary, for STM and AFM as well as for other SPMs. The aim of this book is to explain the function and applications of SPMs, in such a way that the reader can easily use these microscopes at all levels of application.