Bronchiectasis is a chronic condition with irreversible dilatation and destruction of bronchi commonly diagnosed by high resolution computed tomography (CT) scan of the chest. This chapter focuses on bronchiectasis, with illustrative radiology, microbiology, and pathology, and discusses the investigation, diagnosis, and management of bronchiectasis. Patients usually present with recurrent chest infections, but the presentation is variable depending on the severity of the bronchiectasis. Chest physiotherapy should be performed twice daily, particularly in patients with cystic bronchiectasis. Treatment with inhaled corticosteroids may reduce the inflammation in bronchiectasis, and treatment with bronchodilators may be helpful if there is airflow obstruction. A chest CT scan shows typical advanced bilateral upper lobe bronchiectasis. Even at low power, crowding and thickening of the bronchi can be seen consistent with the presence of bronchiectasis, with scarring of the airway walls and the surrounding lung parenchyma due to recurrent infection.