The consequence of the Kirchhoff hypothesis is that the transverse strains (γxz, γyz, εzz) are zero, and consequently, the transverse stresses (σxz, σyz, σzz) do not enter the theory.

The equation governing buckling of plates under inplane compressive and shear forces is

+ 2 ∂2Mxy ∂y∂x

+ ∂2Myy ∂y2

= ∂



∂x + Nˆxy



+ ∂



∂x + Nˆyy



) (4.2.1)

where (Mxx,Myy) are the bending moments per unit length, Mxy is the twisting moment per unit length, and (Nˆxx, Nˆyy, Nˆxy) are the applied inplane compressive and shear forces measured per unit length (see Fig. 4.1).