Plantar ulcers are probably the greatest concern while treating a diabetic patient. This ulceration is most commonly a continuum of a callus that went unrecognized and untreated. The importance of identification of the plantar ulcer and ensuring its healing is of paramount importance. It is the forerunner of destructive lesions of the foot eventually requiring a limb amputation. It is important to realize that, 85% of leg amputations are preceded by foot ulceration. The plantar ulcerations can occur at any site, governed mainly by an area of increased pressure. The common sites are ball of the great toe, plantar aspects of the heads of the metatarsals, tips of the toes, the lateral border of the foot and heel. The mid foot is usually spared as it is mostly non-weight bearing. However, midfoot ulceration is a characteristic feature of the Charcot foot.