The literature of brazing technology abounds with interesting articles and monographs that examine in depth the fine detail of both ordinary and highly specialized applications of the process. Such documents are very useful to both engineers who use brazing and specialists who wish to expand their detailed knowledge of what is going on in the technology. We would all do well to remember the cynical definition of what a specialist actually is:

To some extent, this an unfair criticism, but, almost without exception, specialists tend to concentrate on the fine detail of some aspect or other of the technology rather than spending any time troubleshooting problems that are often, with the application of only a little knowledge, quite simple to resolve. People who have a problem that needs to be resolved often do not have the necessary basic knowledge to derive a viable solution to their problem for themselves; this is why they turn to specialists for help. This often results in the enquirer posing questions that, according to some specialists, should not have been posed in the first place because the answer is abundantly clear to everyone. However, it should be accepted that the answer was not clear to the enquirer otherwise he would not have asked the question in the first place. This chapter will provide some answers to five of these sorts of questions.