With fast growth in the speed and processing power of computers and network bandwidth, applications such as video conferencing and distance learning will become more feasible and popular. These applications face a new challenge of how to use network resources and how to allocate network bandwidth on links that are being shared by different flows. With the increase of these kinds of applications, multicast sessions will be seen more in the network. Considering the heterogeneity of the Internet (including optical Internet), an important issue pertaining to multicasting video is the congestion of some links, while other links may be underutilized. On the other hand, fair scheme addresses the case where each receiver is provided with video quality commensurate to its bandwidth capacity, regardless of the limitations of the other receivers of the same session. The definition of the fairness is a challenge, as is design of protocols to achieve this fairness. This chapter discusses a survey of different works to address the problem of multicast over the Internet.