Decoctions of Ludwigia virgata root are used as a bath for “Snake Sickness” (itchy skin) (Sturtevant 1955). Ludwigia palustris also was part of the “Snake medicine” (Sturtevant 1955).

Although Snow and Stans (2001) list L. virgata, no use is given. The Creek name provides a great deal of information about their beliefs that is not obvious from the literal translation. The name hoktvlkolowv seems straightforward. However, it contains Kolowa, which was a feared demon, also called vkolowetv. The vkolowetv was a “being” that could pounce and hold with its feet and claws as does a cat. As Martin and Mauldin (2000) phrased it, the Kolowa was “a character much feared if it was heard halloing while a dance was being held-it could pounce like a panther.” Clearly, there is much more in the name than the simple translations suggest.