In this chapter, we illustrate the analog design automation approach presented in this book with three examples. As stated in Chapter 1, these examples were selected from different domains to illustrate the generality and validity of our approach. All designs were completed to chip level and were verified. The authors are aware of the fact that simple presentation of the results obtained will not suffice in illustrating and explaining a design automation system. Hence, care was taken to document various stages of the design and explain various design decisions taken by the human and the design automation system. The reader should also keep in mind that more examples were given in the previous chapters about the working of each tool composing the whole design automation system. Hence, the number of examples presented in this book is not limited to just the three case studies presented here, but is quite a sizable number, when the examples in the previous chapters are considered. One final remark about the examples is that each one illustrates a different design strategy. This fact demonstrates the versatility of the tool set described throughout the book, where designers have the option of using some tools interactively and not using some of them, but making the design themselves.