Abstract 97

Introduction 98

Caffeine Exposure to Animals and Its Implications for Humans 99

Caffeine’s Effects during Pregnancy on Brain Development 100

Caffeine’s Effects during Lactation on Brain Development 102

Caffeine’s Effects during Gestation and Lactation on Brain Development 104

Nutritional Status and Caffeine’s Effects on Brain Development 105

Caffeine and Fetal Origins of Adult Disease 107

Conclusion 107

Acknowledgment 108

References 108


Caffeine is one of the most commonly consumed drugs in our society today. In spite of the fact that consumption of caffeine far exceeds our consumption of alcohol and tobacco, a basic understanding of caffeine’s effects during gestation and lactation is still not clear. The effects of routine maternal caffeine consumption on fetal and neonatal neurodevelopment are controversial. Although pregnant women are advised to avoid caffeinecontaining drinks, many continue to consume them. Unfortunately, this is particularly true for the less educated. Furthermore, many women continue to consume caffeine-containing beverages after delivery. The results of various animal studies on caffeine cannot be extrapolated to humans due in part to the different methods of caffeine administration. When they are, they offer confusing information. Some studies also use an unrealistic amount of caffeine. In addition, for unknown reasons, certain animals might be more susceptible to caffeine’s


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effects than others, as permanent behavior changes may indicate. Nutritional factors also might modify caffeine’s effects. It is conceivable that caffeine exposure before fertilization could also affect neurodevelopment; thus, chronic daily caffeine intake might be deleterious for those planning to have a family. It might be safe to state that overall evidence from animal studies suggests that routine caffeine intake during critical periods of growth could exert certain detrimental effects on fetal and neonatal neurodevelopment and be one of the causes of diseases in later life.