The aim of synthetic chemistry of stable nitroxides is the selective design of various structures containing the nitroxyl group in a molecule. The presence of the nitroxyl group in a molecule is thus the only feature defining the object of this field and distinguishing this field from general synthetic chemistry regarding its aims and tasks. The necessity of particular functionalized stable nitroxides is determined first of all by their utility in solving various scientific and applied problems using Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. This chapter discusses the methods of nitroxide design that construct the heterocyclic nitroxyl-containing fragment using simple acyclic bifunctional compounds and a functional group of a comparatively more complex molecule. The main strategic task of the synthetic chemistry of nitroxides is creation of stable nitroxides for practical use. Acyclic stable nitroxides are practically not used in the synthetic chemistry of stable nitroxides and their structure is unambiguously determined by the structure of their precursors.