Predetermined time systems developed from therbligs. The most popular system is Methods-Time Measurement (MTM). It has several levels of detail, allowing a tradeoff between analysis detail versus analysis time. This chapter describes MTM-1, Maynard Operation Sequence Technique (MOST), and MODAPTS. In theory, MTM systems, MOST, and MODAPTS can accurately predict the amount of time for a task. The MTM tables are reprinted with the permission of the MTM Association. People who wish to actually use MTM should take a training course approved by the MTM Association in order to use the procedures accurately and consistently. The MOST resulted from the observation that the vast majority of activities involved with the handling of an object were associated with a limited number of motion sequences. By analyzing the activities with respect to these sequences, the time required to perform an analysis was significantly reduced from that required by the traditional MTM system without a reduction in the precision of the analysis.