Municipal wastewater is the general term applied to the liquid wastes collected from residential, commercial, and industrial areas and conveyed by means of a sewerage system to a central location for treatment. It is important that reliable estimates on wastewater characteristics are made, as this is what the treatment plant will be treating in the future. The chapter focuses on to develop information that can be utilized in assessing the characteristics of wastewater for the design of treatment facilities. It provided in three general categories: municipal water demands, wastewater flow rates, and chemical quality of municipal wastewater. The construction grants program requires a close examination of various wastewater flow reduction methods as part of facility planning process. Reduction in wastewater volume is achieved by water conservation, reuse of water in homes, and reduction of infiltration/inflow. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) is the most commonly used parameter to express the strength of municipal and industrial wastewaters.