The activated sludge process is a treatment technique in which wastewater and reused biological sludge full of living microorganisms is mixed and aerated. The biological solids are then separated from the treated wastewater in a clarifier and returned to the aeration process or wasted.

The microorganisms are mixed thoroughly with the incoming organic material and they grow and reproduce by using the organic material as food. As they grow and are mixed with air, the individual organisms clump together (flocculate). Once flocculated, they more readily settle in the secondary clarifier.

The wastewater being treated flows continuously into an aeration tank where air is injected to mix the wastewater with the returned activated sludge and to supply the oxygen needed by the microbes to live and feed on the organics. Aeration can be supplied by injection through air diffusers in the bottom of the tank or by mechanical aerators located at the surface.

The mixture of activated sludge and wastewater in the aeration tank is called the “mixed liquor.” The mixed liquor flows to a secondary clarifier where the activated sludge is allowed to settle.

The activated sludge is constantly growing and more is produced than can be returned for use in the aeration basin. Some of this sludge must, therefore, be wasted to a sludge handling system for treatment and disposal. The volume of sludge returned to the aeration basins is normally 40 to 60 percent of the wastewater flow. The rest is wasted.

Key factors in activated sludge operation include the following concepts70:

– Sludge   Volume   Index   ( SVI ) ,   mL/g= ( 30   min   settled   volume,   mL/L )   ( 1000 ) mixed   liquor   suspended   solids,   mg/L https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9780203734216/4406a4e1-8626-47b2-b2d2-ea441a87fc3d/content/eq13.tif"/>

– Food   to   Microorganism   ( F/M ) ,   ratio= ( BOD   or   COD   in   primary   effluent,   lbs/day ) pounds   volatile   SS   in   aeration   tanks https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9780203734216/4406a4e1-8626-47b2-b2d2-ea441a87fc3d/content/eq14.tif"/>

– Mean   Cell   Residence   Time   ( MCRT ) ,   days= solids   in   total   system,   lbs solids   wasted    + lost,   lbs/day https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9780203734216/4406a4e1-8626-47b2-b2d2-ea441a87fc3d/content/eq15.tif"/>