The protein distribution between different morphological parts of the sorghum grain is uneven, as is the case with other cereals. The kernel of the sorghum plant is generally spherical and may be divided into morphological parts: seed coat, germ, and endosperm. The protein distribution between different morphological parts of the sorghum grain is uneven, as is the case with other cereals. The fractionation of the sorghum proteins based on the Osborne procedure was used widely in the investigation of sorghum proteins. The protein and lysine levels in developing kernels of normal and high-lysine sorghum were also studied by several research workers. A study with sorghum using grain samples covering a wide range of N content and employing amino acid analysis conditions of the highest possibly accuracy was undertaken by Mosse et al. The low molecular weight storage protein of sorghum named kafirin is in many aspects similar to zein of maize.