This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book argues that "Spray polyurethane foam" (SPF) represents a general class of foams fabricated as a product of a catalysed chemical reaction of polyisocyanate and polyhydroxyl compounds. Since SPF can perform varied functions such as bonding, thermal insulation, and air or moisture control in buildings, it becomes a preferred choice for many applications. SPF products are used for insulating roofs, storage tanks, ducts, and pipes. They are also used in sewer renewals. In construction, SPF products are mainly used to control heat transfer through the building envelope. Repeatability is variation in properties produced when different batches were made by one operator using the same SPF product and spray equipment. Reproducibility is the variation between different operators and spray equipment. The SPF industry enforces industry-wide quality programs.