As you become a more self-encouraging person, set up a systematic schedule that focuses on the self-encouragement process. To become a more encouraged person, you need to be in charge of your own self-respect and self-worth. In order to be a resource to others and increase their self-esteem, self-confidence, and feelings of worth, you first must feel positive about yourself. When you are self-encouraging, you are able to help establish your own worth through self-validation. You don’t wait for others to give you their approval. It is your own approval that is most important. You need to learn how to validate yourself. Self-encouragement is based on self-love. Unless we have self-love, we cannot be self-encouraging or encouraging to others. It is important that evaluations come from within you to enable you to be more encouraging to yourself. Internal evaluation occurs when you listen to the messages inside you in order to establish and increase your self-worth.