Eggs can be purchased as shell eggs; chilled liquid white, yolk, or whole egg; and frozen white, whole egg, whole egg with yolk added, plain yolk, fortified whole egg with corn syrup, sugared egg yolk, salted egg yolk, and salted whole egg. Automatic egg breaking machines open the shell eggs and separate yolks and whites at rates up to 40 cases per hour. To operate efficiently, eggs to be machine broken must be of uniform high quality and sound shelled. Liquid eggs are often sold as salted eggs with up to 10 percent salt, or sugared eggs with up to 10 percent sugar. Other commercial egg products have various additives to improve certain of the functional properties. When using the pasteurizing process developed by the United States Department of Agriculture Western Regional Research Laboratory, egg whites are acidulated with lactic acid to pH 6.8–7.3, and then aluminum sulfate is added to prevent damage by heat to the egg whites.