One important aspect in evaluating the effects of packaging on the environment is how much packaging we use. The simplest classification divides packaging functions into three areas—protection, communication, and convenience. Protection is the most basic function of packaging. The second function of packaging-communication-in-cludes all the buy me aspects of packaging. Convenience is a function of packaging that has become very important in our society. Paper packaging accounted for the largest portion of all packaging. Steel packaging discards were 2.9 million tons in 1990, including 2.6 million tons of metal cans. Aluminum packaging amounted to 1.9 million tons, 1.6 million tons of which were cans. Glass packaging amounted to 11.9 million tons. Methods for packaging disposal are limited. In recent decades, the vast majority of packaging and other solid waste in the United States has been disposed of by landfilling. The chapter also presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in this book.