This conclusion presents some closing thoughts on the key concepts discussed in the preceding chapters of this book. The book leads to recommended map projections for particular applications. It gives the user the understanding to choose the base map with a projection that will adequately suit his or her needs. Since a map is a form of communications, the projection chosen must communicate what the user intends it to. Projections with a faithful representation of a single pole are any of the polar azimuthal: equal area, stereographic, polar gnomonic, polar azimuthal equidistant, and polar orthographic. The precept for choosing the correct map for the required job is helped by the apparent natural adaptability of particular types of projections to certain areas of the Earth. The three major classes of map projections, equal area, conformal, and conventional have been considered one by one. Out of the equal area choices, the Mollweide and the Boggs Eumorphic give the most acceptable form.