This chapter discusses how the Part 503 requirements pertain to land application of Sewage sludge and domestic septage at public contact sites, Lawns, and home gardens. The costs of a Sewage sludge marketing program may be high relative to costs of direct land application. Some generators/preparers of Sewage sludge may choose to contract out some processing technologies, which can be done through competitive bidding between vendors that produce similar products to reduce program costs. A marketing program for Sewage sludge always should include examination of the costs of transporting the Sewage sludge. Transportation costs may include conveying the sludge from the Wastewater treatment plant to the processing center, transport of bulking materials for composting, and distribution of the finished Sewage sludge product. Demand for Sewage sludge for land application tends to be seasonal, peaking in the spring and fall in areas with four-season climates.