Agricultural land is the type of land most widely used for the application of sewage sludge. This chapter presents detailed design information for the application of sewage sludge to agricultural land, placing primary emphasis on the growing of crops such as com, soybeans, small grains, cotton, sorghum, and forages. When designing a land application system, check with state and local agencies to learn about any other requirements that must be met. The chapter discusses information on other key design considerations, such as nutrients, pH, and land application of sewage sludge on arid lands. Sewage sludge application can be a source of micro-nutrients that are important for plant growth, such as iron, manganese, and zinc. The chapter examines sludge application methods suitable for arid rangelands. It summarizes the basic calculations used to determine sewage sludge application rates based on nitrogen and phosphorus, and the estimated project life based on cumulative pollutant loading rate limits.