This chapter addresses hazardous inorganic materials along with hazardous organometallic compounds. It also addresses hazardous nonmetallic elements, hazardous metals and metalloids, hazardous inorganic compounds, and hazardous organometallic compounds. There is a wide variety of hazardous inorganic compounds. Inorganic compounds present a wide variety of toxicities. For example the elements in deadly hydrogen cyanide, Hydrogen cyanide, Hazardous Waste Number P063 are all essential ingredients of proteins. Organometallic compounds include a variety of species. They are usually hazardous because of their toxicities; dimethyl mercury and tetraethyl lead are examples. The hazards presented by the halogen oxides are largely due to their extreme reactivity and potent oxidizing abilities, in which respect they resemble the elemental halogens and interhalogen compounds. There are several halides and oxyhalides of sulfur that are hazardous. Alkaline wastes are generated by a number of industrial processes, including those used to remove acidic gases, such as hydrogen sulfide, from waste gas streams.