This chapter provides information on the uses, folk medicine, chemistry, germplasm, distribution, ecology, cultivation, harvesting, yields, energy, and biotic factors of Jackfruit. The following fungi are known to attack jackfruit: Botryodiplodia theobromae, Corticium salmonicolor, Diplodia artocarpi, Ganoderma applanatum and Gloeosporium artocarpi. Propagated by seeds, budding after the modified Forkert method, inarching, air-layering, or grafting. Branchlets terete, with scattered, retrose, crisped hairs, becoming glabrous. Leaves and bark contain a white latex. Leaves are fed to sheep, goats, and cattle as fodder, especially in the dry season. Flower clusters are eaten in Java with syrup and agar-agar or coconut milk. Young fruits may be eaten in soups. Trees are usually cut for lumber when upwards of 30 years old; wood takes a high polish and is ornamental. Grown as a shade tree for cardamom, jackfruit contributed annually 9,375 kg/ha leaf mulch.