The effects of metals in water and waste water range from beneficial to troublesome to dangerously toxic. Some metals are essential, for example, calcium, magnesium, and others may adversely affect water consumers, waste water treatment systems, and receiving waters. Lead, mercury, and arsenic have proven to be significant pollutants and toxins. Some metals may be either beneficial or toxic, depending on their concentrations. Metallic compounds may dissolve in water or may be connected in suspended materials in the sample. According to the determination, metallic compounds are defined in the following terms: filterable metals, nonfilterable metals and total metals. This chapter presents the specifications and health effects of selected metallic parameters. Barium is a silvery white, slightly malleable metallic element and belongs to the alkaline earth metal group. Chromium is a grayish-white crystalline and is a very hard metallic element with a high resistance to corrosion.