In 2006, world Total Primary Energy Supply (TPES) was 11,741 Mtoe (millions of tonnes of oil equivalent) of which 12.7% or 1493 Mtoe was produced from renewable energy sources. Hydropower accounts for 17.5% of the Renewables (i.e. 261.2 Mtoe). In 2006, the production of hydropower in the following countries (expressed in Mtoe) is as follows: (source: Renewables Information, 2008): Brazil – 30.0; Canada – 30.6; China – 37.6; France – 4.8; India – 9.7; Japan – 7.4; Norway – 10.2; Russia – 14.9; Sweden – 5.3; USA – 25.1. One Mtoe is equivalent to 11630 GWh.