Once project planning is well underway, the search for information that may assist in the environmental evaluation begins. This second step is called the Initial Evaluation (see Figure 5.1). It is based primarily on a thorough review of existing information. For many dredging projects, the initial evaluation of existing information will provide all that is needed for technically sound environmental decision-making. For example, if one is dredging sand and placing it in a nearby area where biological resources are not a major concern, then the minimal amount of information gathered during the Initial Evaluation should be sufficient. Likewise, for a dredging project that is conducted repeatedly in a similar manner and for which there is no historical evidence of unacceptable effects, information gathered during the Initial Evaluation should suffice. Although the Initial Evaluation is usually based on existing or readily obtainable information, new data may be collected. This may include chemical characterisation of sediment from the dredged site, reference site and placement location.