Different model approaches try to accentuate various aspects of nuclear structure in a simple and schematic way. No single model, as yet, is detailed enough to encompass all aspects of the nucleus. At present we concentrate on a very simple, independent particle model: the Fermi-gas model where we consider all nucleons to move as elements of a fermion gas within the nuclear volume V ( ≃ 4 3 π r 0 3 A ) https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9780367806576/84aaad7b-3d0e-4214-8c25-1fbd41c15abe/content/inline-eqn8_1_B.tif"/> . Because of the strong spatial confinement, the energy levels in this approach will be widely spaced. Only the lowest levels will be occupied, except for very high energies. For typical excitation energies of up to ≃ 10 MeV, we can use a degenerate Fermi-gas model description.