This chapter describes the theranostic significance of CP/ATG in diabetes, with a primary focus on the TSE-EBPT of T2DM. Prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus has reached pandemic levels in Western societies. Rescuing ATG suppressed by maternal diabetes in the developing neuro-epithelium inhibited the neural tube defect in diabetic pregnancies, suggesting a possible link between Foxo3a and impaired ATG in diabetic embryopathy, which can be more specifically described as diabetic charnolopathy. To determine if Foxo3a mediates the inhibitory effect of maternal diabetes on ATG in the developing neuro-epithelium, they induced DE in the Foxo3a gene knockout mice and Foxo3a dominant negative transgenic mice as well. Dominant negative Foxo3a overexpression in the developing neuro-epithelium restored ATG and reduced maternal diabetes-induced apoptosis and neural tube defects, indicating that diabetes-induced Foxo3a activation inhibited ATG in the embryonic neuro-epithelium and that Foxo3a transcriptional activity mediated the teratogenic effect of maternal diabetes.