This chapter describes the clinical significance of CP for the TSE-EBPT of acute and chronic inflammatory diseases such as inflammaging, sarcopenia, obesity, atherosclerosis, NFALD/NASH, hepatitis, gut dysbiosis, Crohon's disease, ulcerative colitis, lipotoxicity microbial septicemia, osteoarthritis, congestive heart failure, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, gout, viral infections, and intracellular microbial infections. The thersanostic potential of some antioxidants as CP regulators and CBMP inhibitors is also described to treat the aforementioned inflammatory diseases. IRGM suppressed NLRP3-mediated exacerbated outcomes of dextran sodium sulfate (DSS)-induced colitis in a mouse model, suggesting that it can directly regulate inflammation to protect from inflammatory diseases. The chapter discusses the role of ATG in eosinophilic airway inflammation and suggested that ATG may be a novel theranostic target for airway inflammation Anterior gradient 2 is a dimeric protein disulfide isomerase family member involved in the regulation of PQC in the ER.