This chapter provides important information about longest living animals, along with their natural habitat and life style, the significance of CP/ATG for the TSE-EBPT of aging, and age-associated comorbidities, and promising strategies to increase the lifespan and enhance productivity for a better QOL of humans and all other living organisms. Potential anti-aging roles of CP modulators, inhibitors of apoptotic proteins, and double knockouts of Akt2 and AMPK predisposed cardiac aging without affecting the lifespan. The pathological changes in vascular aging and the relationship between vascular aging and epigenetics has been reported. The pathogenesis of vascular aging-related diseases to develop epigenetic-based TSE-EBPT strategies have been proposed for patients with age-related CVDs. MTs are low molecular weight, zinc-binding, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant proteins which provide neuroprotection in the aging brain through the zinc-mediated transcriptional regulation of genes involved in cell growth, proliferation, and differentiation.