Synthetic analogues of the hypothalamic neurohormones that exercise brain control over the adenohypophysis are readily available. Direct neural control of the adenohypophysis via secretomotor innervation has been considered, but it was rejected for all the adenohypophysis except the pars intermedia. The antithesis to electrical stimulation of the hypothalamus is to surgically eliminate the influence of the hypothalamus over the adenohypophysis. Knowledge about the neural regulation of the adenohypophysis depends greatly on an understanding of many experimental techniques. Application of Golgi-Cox silver staining to those areas of the hypothalamus that secrete neurohormones into the portal vessels has provided important cytoarchitectural information about neural regulation of the adenohypophysis. Transmission electron microscopy has been used to determine the types and the diameters of secretory vesicles in parvocellular neuronal elements that influence the adenohypophysis. Schematic diagram of a hypophysiotrophic neuron sending at least one axonal terminal to the median eminence.