This chapter focuses on widely used approximate method: the numerical integration of the Schrodinger equation, restricting ourselves to one dimension for simplicity. There is a plethora of approaches that yield highly accurate numerical eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. In quantum mechanics one sometimes seeks after bound stationary states that satisfy given physical boundary conditions. Boundary conditions at infinity play a relevant role in quantum mechanics, in which case one looks for bound states that vanish asymptotically at the end points of coordinate interval. Solving the propagation matrix equation exactly for every coordinate pair in the physical interval is as difficult as solving the original differential equation. However, sometimes the former is preferable to develop approximate numerical algorithms for the accurate calculation of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. The perturbation method based on the Taylor expansion only requires derivatives of the potential energy function, which one obtains easily in most cases and appears to be preferable for the systematic improvement of the approximate propagation matrix.