The matrix U' contains the full dynamics of a bilinear oscillator, because any observable of the system is an analytical function of the operators that determine the matrix representation. One cannot solve the time evolution equation in the general case, but there are many exactly solvable problems that simulate and enable one to understand the dynamics of more elaborate and realistic quantum-mechanical models. In the case of the solvable model just discussed it is easy to derive analytical expressions for operators in the Heisenberg picture as well as for invariants or constants of the motion. The mathematical treatment of the driven oscillator just discussed is trivial because the Hamiltonian operator belongs to a solvable Lie algebra. This model is a convenient starting point to illustrate the use of the Lie algebraic method, but it is also an oversimplification of most oscillatory phenomena. Nonlinear Hamiltonians are useful in many physical applications such as the simulation of frictional forces and dissipation effects.