Like any religion, Quality has one god but many sects, bewildering in their diversity. Quality used to be a simple-seeming, uncomplicated kind of a job. Invisible inputs are achieved by invisible people, and invisible people are lowly regarded. It has also been said before that quality used to be a despised discipline exercised by despised people, but nowadays it is a respected calling carried out by despised people. Quality management is not a magic wand, there are no fairy godmothers in this business, it is all about simple and straightforward work. It can get a bit tedious to those who act as if it is all mathematical statistics, but it can be fun to those who realize it’s about people and motivation as much as it is about mathematics, more so, in fact. Probably the traps waiting for the unwary one who wishes to improve company performance by improving quality management are bafflement, followed by exclusivity.