This chapter discusses a number of problems and physical diseases, which occur more frequently in women, and that contribute to sleep disorders: Pain, Headaches, Fibromyalgia, and Parkinson’s disease, Thyroid gland imbalance, Urinary tract infections and Multiple sclerosis. Just as sleep disorders can be defined as accompanying symptoms of various diseases, so too can pain, a symptom that occurs in many different diseases. In every age group, inflammation of the bladder will disrupt sleep and cause urgent episodes of waking up with a need to urinate. In menopausal women in particular, there is an increase in the frequency of waking up at night with the need to urinate, which is linked to recurring inflammations or irritable bladder. Researchers at Bath University in England have suggested that a combination of genetic and hormonal mechanisms as well as psychological factors is responsible for the differences between the pain tolerance in men and women.